
Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Smart Enough?

I felt the need to talk about being 'smart enough'. It sounds crazy, but since I had returned to school several years ago, I get many comments from people. Such as "Wow! Good for you, but I'm not smart enough". It got me thinking. Especially since I saw my 17-year-old niece last week and tried to convince her that college would be an excellent idea for her, she happened to say the same thing! I told her being smart isn't because you were born that way or not (except for some that are born geniuses). I told her it has to do with applying yourself and making a conscious effort to become educated. In case anyone out there ever feels this way, remember people get to where they are because they've applied themselves, which means that we all have the same ability to do the same. Never doubt yourself and keep learning and growing!